The girls are doing great! We are having a blast over here. It's kind of sad how the second child really does get so much less attention. Not really in the fact that we just leave her to sit by herself or anything, more in the way that the little things get overlooked where as when Ruby hit milestones it was HUGE! For instance, Quin has been rolling over now for a good two weeks & I completely forgot to tell Adam about it! That sort of stuff. :) Quin is a little doll! My diet & changes that I've made have helped her so much I can't believe she is the same child. Thank God! She is a sweet little thing and is starting to get vocal. She is smily and so incredibly delicious I want to munch her little face! Ruby is H I L A R I O U S. Every single day she does more & more that cracks me up. She calls the game "Angry Birds" "Hungry Birds." She was reading a book with me yesterday & before she turned each page she would lick her finger. She says "hold you mommy" instead of "hold me mommy." She hums to the Jeopardy song, cries during sad parts in movies, shakes my hand on a frequent basis, says "2, 3, 2 cheese!" instead of "1, 2, 3 cheese!" She calls things that are small "baby" and things that are large "big daddy." ie "big daddy poop!" Yes. She is something else! She is OBSESSED with pickles (only because they have pickles in the movie "The Little Rascals") and thinks that my zucchini's are pickles, therefore she asks for zucchini's, walks around with them and even has tried eating them a couple times. I've tried to tell her they are NOT pickles, but to no avail. She jumps around the house holding the zucchini singing "I've got two pickles hey, hey, hey, hey!" Loving the adventure of each new day. Sad that she is growing up, and yet excited to see what the future holds! 

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