What can I say about Quin? She is a FORCE of nature and a darn cute one
at that. She literally never sits still unless she is right about ready
for bed or asleep. She isn't cuddly at all which makes me really sad.
She won't even let me hold her facing toward me. She pushes out and
flips around so she's facing outward. I guess there is to much to see in
this world. She is a mover and a shaker. She started scooting a couple
months ago and is into everything now. I cannot keep stuff out of reach!
It's so cute watching her crawl around. I really cannot believe she's
already nearly eight months! I feel like it's already time to start
thinking about her first birthday. Ok, maybe not quite yet, but with how
fast time is flying by..... She just this last week had her first tooth
pop through! A second one is on the cusp. I HATE teething! My sister
always told me that if it weren't for teething having kids would be a
whole lot easier! I couldn't agree more. It's really a nightmare.
Although she isn't cuddly, Quin is so sweet and always smiling. She is
such a beautiful little thing and I cannot get enough of her. Her little
hairs are sprouting up and Adam and I have SOME hope that she will get
hair earlier than Ruby has. At least her's is dark so you can see what
she does have! She is still waking up two or three times a night. I'm
wondering when this madness will end and she will sleep through the
night. It's been a really trying time since Quinny came, but she's worth
every sleepless night. Can't wait to see what she will be like as a
kid. She has such a girly air about her and is so petite and pretty. She
fills our lives with lots of joy (and spit up and laundry!) and we are
so thankful for her! 
She sucks her thumb now and it's sooooooooo cute!!!
Here she is dressed up for our nautical themed family picture. I think she looked like a boy, but everyone else insisted she wear the beanie.
Love the baby buns in the air
This face is hysterical to me! She HATED the flash!
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