I think my husband's truck deserves a post unto itself. It's quite a manly mode of transportation which I have named "The Beast." You can hear him coming from a mile away. Well, maybe not quite that far, but when he's about two blocks from our house up PCH (before he ever turns onto our street!) I can hear him. I've also mistaken him for the UPS guy & a school bus. You have to understand that this truck coming into our lives was actually a really huge fight. I know, you're probably thinking "yeah right! They're so nice looking, they NEVER fight." I know, It's hard to believe, but you're mistaken. At least in this case. I had this lovely little Toyota Camry that I adored. It was kind of a mom car, but it was my first really nice car! (It was only a 2002, but my 1st and only other car before that was a 1991, so I'm sure you feel me on this!) I loved the way it drove, the gas mileage it got....it was perfect. I had Ruby while we owned that car & it was a great size for her & me. When I got pregnant with Quin, Adam told me that he wanted to me drive our other car (4runner) instead of the Camry because it was more family practical. I agreed that wasn't a bad idea, and when he mentioned selling the Camry I said "let's think about it & maybe later we can do it, but I'd like to wait." Two days later.....ahem (I'll just nicely graze over this portion of the story so as not to talk badly about my better half) my car was gone before I even knew what happened. Hints the most major fight of our entire relationship. Seriously. Yes, my emotions were high being pregnant and all, and maybe that's why it all seemed so dramatic and awful to me at the time. Now that we had the money from the car & I had the 4runner to drive, Adam was on a mission to find the ultimate truck for himself. He has a sort of infatuation with cars, so I knew this would be a process. In the end it took him about four months to find the truck of his dreams. When he came home with "The Beast" all I could do was look at him and it with raised eyebrows. "REALLY?" I said. "That's what you traded my Camry for?" I haven't said anything else about it since then, and honestly this truck has made him so happy. He's completely obsessed with it, and so is Ruby. All I hear about day in and day out is "daddy's truck." There has been screaming fits of hysterics over that truck, and her favorite thing in the world is sitting in there with him. It's kind of their little thing they do together. We all went on an hour long car ride to visit my sister & her family when I was about nine months pregnant & it made me have contractions. I thought it would put me into early labor! I have since determined that it's not a truck for the feint of heart. Without further adieu, here it is.