I definitely do NOT have a green thumb. I think my issue is that I forget to water. I always have really good intentions, yet somehow after a few days, plants take a backseat and I end up accidentally neglecting them. My husband on the other hand is really good at keeping things alive. I guess I do take care of the most important things....keeping the children and Adam fed and caring for them as well as the house.....but it is nice to look at lovely green things. As of recently Adam made a self watering planter box (which I call the "hydro box") that is so cool! It has a platform that the dirt sits on and a couple inches of water in the bottom so it can suck up water all the time/whenever it needs it. He put two tomato plants in there, and within a couple of weeks (no joke) that went from being about 5 inches tall to massive! (pictures below!) They actually got so big within a couple of days that they completely fell over and Adam had to tie them to the posts! I want twenty gazillion of these amazing boxes so that we can grow all of our own organic produce!
For Ruby's birthday we bought her a betta fish who, since Ruby didn't name, now goes by "Betta Boy." I'm so glad that Adam remembers to feed the little guy. He's actually really into it which is funny! He looked up how to take care of and maintain a healthy betta fish and has been using some of the techniques and advise. He makes sure to feed him twice a day and cleans his water frequently. He would probably already be dead if he were solely in my care.

Yes, my child is wearing Christmas p'j's in July....she's obsessed with them because they are cousin Ahvie's!

Adam's vine that he's very proud of. It doesn't have anywhere to go!
Please do tell how to build one of those boxes! I can't quite picture how to do it... I would LOVE to be able to plant some veggies but alas like you I am NOT a green thumb. And my hubby is too busy right now to remember to water frequently. This sound like the perfect solution! I still can't get over how much more expensive fresh produce is here in Oklahoma. (And how cheap canned is. Blegh!) Is it any wonder we ranked in the top 5 most Obese states?? Sad but true. Tomatoes are over $4/lb here!! =(