Quin Elizabeth is the newest addition to our family, and one who has been quite a presence in our lives! My pregnancy with her was so easy that I was CONVINCED it had to be a boy! When they told me SHE was a girl, I didn't believe it. I wanted Ruby to have a sister so badly, and I was very excited! I had this feeling that God gave me an easy pregnancy because the baby was going to be hard. I was definitely right! She is now 8 1/2 weeks old and we're finally starting to get the swing of things around here with her! She is a precious little thing and so incredibly beautiful, she's just had a rough few weeks with food sensitivity and acid reflux! I went on a special diet for her and have eliminated gluten, wheat, dairy, eggs, soy, coffee & nuts. Her tummy is doing much better. I can't wait to see what her little personality will be like as she grows. She is getting SO chunky and delicious and all I want to do is squeeze and kiss her. She is starting to smile at us when we talk to her, and I'm so in love. Ruby adores her beyond belief and it's been so fun watching Ruby love on her. I got the awesome privilege of having Quin in a birthing center. We had the most amazing experience there & I'm so happy that I got to have such a "relaxed" birth. I'm not a hippie or anything, I just wanted to have unmedicated births and go home right away after! I had Ruby in a hospital naturally, but still ended up having lots of things I didn't like happen and it all sort of ended up not being a good experience for me and Adam. After Quin's birth I told Adam I thought two kids was plenty. Although I really don't want to be pregnant ever again, I've decided that I love my girls so much that I do indeed want more. Not to mention my husband desperately wants to have a boy. Do NOT in any way get me wrong, his girls are his WORLD. He wouldn't trade them for a million boys, but he does want to eventually have a boy! Someone to throw the football with. I laugh at him and tell him that even if we have a boy he'll probably end up wanting to be a scientist and have no interest in sports. Ruby will probably be his little surfer girl who plays catch with him. You can already tell that Quin is dramatic and sensitive. I'm a little afraid of her at two. And at sixteen. So for now I'll enjoy her sweet little baby self and love every second of it!

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