Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's day for me is as awesome as a birthday & a little more exciting because you don't have to think about getting older when you celebrate it! I am so privileged to be a mother to two beautiful daughters and am blessed to have a mother who is and has always been a great example and a wonderful presence in my life. I DO know how truly lucky I am that my mom has taught me right, encouraged, cherished, believed, nurtured and shown me how to love.  

Adam made me feel very special and I woke up to breakfast, coffee and fresh squeezed orange juice! He cleaned up the house and took care of the girls while I relaxed! Gotta love a man who cooks and cleans! 
 Adam found a walking stick outside! Ruby LOVED it. We named him Marvin and she carried him around all day claiming he was her best friend.
 It wouldn't be Mother's day if my mother didn't cry. 
 Ashley took pictures of Quin & I cannot wait to see them. Although I must say there might not be many where she's actually smiling! Little stinker was in a bad mood! 

We don't need a boy! This girl is a natural! 

 My mom and my other mom, Nancy. The two most influential women in my life! 

Old Friends

I love those friends where time can pass where you don't speak, but once you see them again it's as though not a day has gone by that you haven't been together. They are what I call (or better yet what Anne calls) Kindred Spirits. I have been blessed to have quite a few in my time, two of whom whether near or far, will always remain close to my heart. Sarah & Rachel Yardley, sisters extraordinaire!

I met Sarah in 2001, just after my 16th birthday. We were going on a church mission trip to Europe and connected immediately. Really though, if you knew Sarah, (and you just might since I think she has 10,000 friends) you would know how easy she is to talk to!  Here we are together on our trip. I don't know that I've had more fun in my adolescent life than I did on that trip!

I met Rachel after coming back from that trip with Sarah. There may be disputes about the first time we actually met,  (which I'm NOT remembering at this moment) but all I know is that it was love at first sight. Here I am with Rachel at my sister's bridal shower in 2003. I was 17 or maybe had JUST turned 18.

In 2008 Rach and I got to have our Europe trip together! It was only fair I went to Europe with each of these girls. To bad it couldn't have been with both at the same time!

No matter where we've been in our lives, we have always kept in touch and always re-connected. I was so happy to hear that Rachel is getting married this year! The ONLY thing that made me sad was finding out that she is going to be moving to the Middle East with the man of her dreams. Of course I'm happy for her, and I know I will see her again, but my heart is saddened to have such a wonderful girl so far away. I got to see Sarah & Rachel a couple weeks ago at a friend's birthday party & it was a hilarious evening filled with screaming, laughing and a little dancing waiter named Jose who wasn't supposed to be dancing. 

Though the years we've had lots of fun times together at birthday parties, weddings, showers of all sorts, family events, dinner parties, trips, church etc......
and I love them dearly. 

This is just a typical Lindsay/Rachel screaming moment

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quin's 1st Party

I have this dream of being that amazing mom whose children's birthday parties are a fore look of what their wedding will be like. Everywhere you turn on the web there is a blog of some amazing talented mother whose life is picture perfect. Their children never get dirty, their in-laws are angels, they never fight with their husbands, their hair is always so delicately coiffed and makeup flawless. Sigh. This will never be me. I am a real mom. The kind whose kids throw fits, whose house is a mess most of the time, whose laundry piles up and who goes to the store without makeup, hair in ponytail and just prays she doesn't run into someone she knows. That's me. So you won't be surprised when I say that Quin's first birthday party was at a park, we ate hot dogs, and there wasn't a single decoration in sight.

It was actually a really difficult weekend where lot of little everything's seemed to go wrong.
I won't go into details on the insignificant stuff, but one of my old friends from bible college who married another friend of mine passed away just last week of cancer. I haven't seen them in a long time, but my sister and her husband are really close with them. They (along with a few other friends who were invited to Quin's party) attended the memorial service which was at the same time as Quin's party. Of course I in no way would ever be upset they chose a memorial service over a 1 year old's birthday party! If I could have changed the date and gone to the memorial I would have, but it was just all to late. You can never plan for something so terrible. We are continually praying for his family!

Quin was cutting four teeth the day of her party and had a low grade fever. Fussy couldn't begin to describe the state she was in! It was just one of those days. The dog peed on my carpet, Ruby threw a tantrum, Adam was at work. Once we finally got to the park and got everything set up, I felt much better and was able to enjoy hanging out with friends and family. Quin had a lovely time and enjoyed eating her gluten free vegan red velvet cupcake I made for her. Overall, after all the qualms and absent people, it was a nice little party. I don't want to throw another birthday party any time soon :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Quin!

One year ago today I gave birth to a beautiful little girl who would forever change my life! She is vivacious, loving, silly, sweet, loud, funny, crazy & always smiling (except when she's screaming.) I love her more than mere words could express. She fills my heart overflowing with joy unspeakable and always puts a smile on my face. Her personality fills a room and
 her electrifying smile and eyes melt hearts. 

Happy First Birthday to our dear little Quinny boo.