Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Precious Girls

My days are filled with crying, poopy diapers, running up and down the stairs taking my two year old potty, nursing, keeping the kiddos entertained, snack time, juice, washing tiny dirty clothes & blankets, giggling tickle time, hugs, kisses, LOTS of spit up, coloring, smiling and all around fun. Who couldn't love these precious little faces?! 


  1. They are perfect! Did you take the pictures? So pretty. I really love their hair-bows! So sweet...Anabella won't let me put anything in her hair, but Emerald won't leave the house without a necklace and hair accessory of some sort. It's so fun to watch how different they are! :)

  2. darling girls!! so happy to see you blogging! xo

  3. Annie! I didn't take these was non other than the photographer extraordinaire, my sister. Ashley also provided the hair bows and accessories :) Ruby BARELY let's me put stuff in her hair now. Since she was about 8-9 months and on it's been a no go. I can't wait to see Quin's personality. I can already tell they are going to be VERY different!!
